- Click on "Edit" button
- View the vehicle details
- Click on "Contact me" tab
- Complete your details
- Click "Save"
Click on the filter icon next to a header name of a column to create a filter for that column in your search criteria.
Click on the "Deselect" quick search to clear your quick search.
To build a filter for your search you must click on the "Filter Builder" button. The above popup has all the criteria to build a detail filter for your seach criteria.
- The first dropdown selection is the columns that need to be filtered on.
- The second dropdwon select is the criteria the must be applied.
- Type the words you want to search for in the text box e.g. Suzuki.
- Clicking the "X" cancels and removes that line.
- Click on "Add condition" if you want to add a search on more columns. You may add as many conditions as there are columns.
- If you wish to disable the filter and came back later just tick "Disable Filter".
- Click "Apply" to apply the filter to the data.
- By clicking on the column header name, you can sort the table on that column.
- If you click on the "Sort" button to sort your data. You can sort on different columns. Sort on multiple columns at the same time.