
  • Click on "Edit" button
  • View the vehicle details
  • Click on "Contact me" tab
  • Complete your details
  • Click "Save"
An email will be sent to the dealer salesman with your contact details.
Click on the filter icon next to a header name of a column to create a filter for that column in your search criteria.
Click on the "Deselect" quick search to clear your quick search.
To build a filter for your search you must click on the "Filter Builder" button. The above popup has all the criteria to build a detail filter for your seach criteria.
  1. The first dropdown selection is the columns that need to be filtered on.
  2. The second dropdwon select is the criteria the must be applied.
  3. Type the words you want to search for in the text box e.g. Suzuki.
  4. Clicking the "X" cancels and removes that line.
  5. Click on "Add condition" if you want to add a search on more columns. You may add as many conditions as there are columns.
  6. If you wish to disable the filter and came back later just tick "Disable Filter".
  7. Click "Apply" to apply the filter to the data.
  1. By clicking on the column header name, you can sort the table on that column.
  2. If you click on the "Sort" button to sort your data. You can sort on different columns. Sort on multiple columns at the same time.


C4S is a database that has a list of every new vehicle that is available in South Africa as well as more than 3000 used vehicles.

The database is update every 24 hours. So the site visitor will only see current data.