C4S New website Launch

C4S New website Launch

"It's about time ..." said Dewald


The number of iterations this website has gone through since it was born back in the early nineties, is just incredible. I cannot remember the exact date but it was somewhere around mid 1996 where Dewald came to me and asked me if this is possible? And you wanna know what I said back then "Anything is possible!", you gotta know how. We have always understood that Dewald comes up with ideas that I must put into the website. So I tell hm "Tell me what you want and I will tell you how to get there."

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C4S is a database that has a list of every new vehicle that is available in South Africa as well as more than 3000 used vehicles.

The database is update every 24 hours. So the site visitor will only see current data.